Sam Bayer
Welcome to b2b2dot0’s world
I couldn’t help but think of this famous 1981 full page Wall Street Journal advertisement when last week I tripped over an SAP Developer’s Network presentation on Blue Ruby.
Blue Ruby is evidently a Ruby virtual machine for the SAP’s ABAP Web Application Server. A webinar discussing the progress that SAP has been making on this topic can be found here.
It has been viewed close to 500 times in the two weeks that it’s been online.
Looks like SAP is jumping on the bandwagon that we’ve been on for the last year and a half.
Building web applications that integrate with SAP shouldn’t be a magnet for high priced and scarce SAP consultants. A scripting language like Ruby is very well suited to simplifying the job. Now that SAP is toying with integrating Ruby with ABAP even tighter, we know that they know what we know.
Back in February I blogged about the complexities of making simple modifications to web applications that integrate with SAP. The complexities are significant.
Recently I was given a demo of a production version of SAP’s Internet Sales application. The website went into production with all price fields in the catalog filled with a “0”. When I asked why, the response was that even though that didn’t make any business sense to the ultimate user, it would have cost too much and negatively impacted the project deadline if they ordered it removed.
Welcome SAP. Seriously.
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