
Categories: Founder's Blog


Sam Bayer


Music to a CIO’s ears

Most CIOs would agree that they have a thankless job.

They are expected to do more than is humanly possible, with less than is minimally required, and deliver results faster than are theoretically possible.

This is especially true in the SAP world where the technology is complex, competent resources are rare and the project stakes are always high.  Under these circumstances, a good day is any day that you can finish up with enough energy, and will, to come back the next day…to simply resume the battle.

It is, therefore, a very rare day when a CIO gets any recognition, to say nothing of praise, for his/her work.  So when you have a day where you get not one, but TWO love letters recognizing your work, it is a day like no other and should be treated as such.

Barry Brunetto, VP of IT at Blount International, had one of those days today and we couldn’t be more excited for him.  This isn’t an industry award, although Barry’s organization was earlier this year named one of Information Week’s Most Innovative Business Technology Organizations.  This is recognition that is far more valuable.  It comes from his customer, the head of the US/Canadian Blount Business and from his newly appointed boss, the COO of the company.   First let’s read an excerpt from Barry’s customer:

Hi Barry,

This continues to be a great success story from our side of the business here in the US. It is much easier going to trade shows and meeting our customers face to face. This weekend we were in Louisville, KY at our annual Power Equipment industry show where our customers attended. Each customer continues to give the b2b program very high marks on the information received and the efficiency they are gaining. Customer satisfaction has moved up to the next level for us. Thanks again for your support and your teams’ efforts to make this happen.


And this is an excerpt from Barry’s boss:


… it is clear to me from two weeks on the job that B2B is going to be extremely important to our company strategically in the future. We are going to start focusing on this in the new year. How do we go to market digitally? How do we use ecommerce to help our customers and end users? These questions will be essential to our success. I am looking forward to your thoughts on these issues.


We at b2b2dot0 love coming to work everyday, especially if it means helping our clients become heroes in their own organizations!

Congratulations Barry!


[want_more title=”Learn more” subtitle=”FREE Case study: Blount International” description=”Learn how multiple departments came together as Blount International launched ecommerce.” button_text=”Download Now” button_link=”/” button_class=”btn btn-primary blount-case-study” title2=”See it for yourself” subtitle2=”Talk to us” description2=”Curious what Corevist Commerce can do for you? Let us show you a personalized demo. You’ll see ecommerce with real-time SAP data.” button_text2=”Schedule Demo” button_link2=”” button_class2=”demo-popup”]