
Categories: Founder's Blog


Sam Bayer


What does a hybris partner think of Corevist?

I had the privilege of briefing the CEO of one of SAP® hybris’ biggest integration partners today.  The best way to verify that you are communicating with someone is to read what they write about you.  Right after our call, this CEO forwarded the following email to one of the members of his Senior Leadership Team.

I’d say our message is coming across loud and clear!

We love SAP®.  We love hybris.  We hate the integration complexity and cost.


“I want to introduce you to Sam Bayer, the CEO of Corevist.  Corevist has a very interesting solution that helps SAP® ERP customers launch a B2B web site quickly.  They have created an integration with hybris where hybris can run/manage the Product pages (using hybris PIM and CMS), but Corevist handles the shopping cart and checkout.  Their solution is a very rapid implementation (days/weeks) and a much lower price point.

The thought was if we are estimating a project or reviewing requirements for a B2B hybris site with an SAP® backend and the customer is in that $300k or less budget, we should bring in Corevist.”