Sam Bayer
What was his name?
He was the IT Director at one of our first customers. In fact, what was their name? I know they used our product to help them with their rock business. They were in the construction industry. I’ve got to find him. They are definitely a prime prospect for our new service.
CSR. I found the company name on some spreadsheet that “fell off the back of a truck”. But no contact info. I “googled” CSR and learned that they had changed ownership not once, but twice, since I last did business with them. Most recently they were acquired by a Mexican company called Cemex. Trolling their website didn’t uncover my long lost associate, Mr. X, …who, for all I knew… was probably long gone.
I would much prefer to have a name to start my calling than have to fumble my way through receptionist gatekeepers, asking for my “close personal friend” whose name I can’t remember.
Enter Google desktop. I entered CSR into Google’s search field and told it to go scour my hard drive for evidence. A few seconds later it came back with a hit on a travel expense spreadsheet that I submitted way back in 1999. Evidently I had taken Mr. X out for lunch and wanted to get reimbursed for it.
I then Googled his name and came back with a newsletter published a year and a half ago. My long lost business colleague was not only still at the company, doing the same job, but is also doing good community work. There was a photo of him in the company newsletter, surrounded by his department, celebrating a great United Way fund raising campaign that they had just completed.
My preliminary detective work complete, I picked up the phone and started dialing…
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