No one wants to call Customer Service to place an order.
B2B buyers want to place orders and manage their accounts online.
Yet manufacturers struggle to launch successful B2B customer portals. The biggest problem is real-time integration to SAP ERP. It’s tough to pull off, and conventional B2B platforms don’t include it. Yet your customers need real-time ERP integration for personalized pricing, credit status, inventory, order status, and more.
Imagine a B2B portal with deep SAP integration included.
What if you could launch an SAP B2B portal that automatically creates a personalized experience for each user? With deep, real-time SAP integration, your customers would get everything they need to buy from you online.
- Personalized catalogs, picklists, and pricing
- 100% error-free B2B order placement
- Full order and account history straight from SAP
- Self-service invoice payments (plus payment at checkout)

Welcome to Corevist’s B2B Portal Solutions.
Why Corevist for B2B portals?
You won’t find the Corevist approach anywhere else.
✓ Day One Integrated. SAP integration will make or break your B2B portal. We solve that challenge with our comprehensive, prebuilt integration.
✓ Launch it tomorrow. Because we’re integrated on Day 1, we use the project period to refine your B2B portal rather than build the integration.
✓ We’ve got your back. As your long-term partner, we consult on your growth goals and help you find the best solutions to your business challenges.

Manufacturers win with Corevist.

“For an SAP customer looking to do a B2B portal, I wouldn’t look any further than the Corevist solution. You are not going to do it any cheaper, it’s not going to get done any quicker, and you don’t have any heavy capital investments to make. It just works.”
—Barry Brunetto, VP IT
Which B2B online portal is right for you?

Corevist Order Tracking
Simplify your processes and delight your customers with a B2B portal for online order tracking. Customers will love the ease of self-service, which strengthens your relationship for the long haul. As customers switch to the web for all post-order tasks, you’ll reduce the burden on your customer service staff. They’ll get better work/life balance, while you receive greater transparency in business processes and reduced costs.
Once you’ve leveraged this value, you can add online ordering to your B2B portal. You’ll also get essential features like simple catalogs and real-time price and availability.
Corevist B2B Ordering Portal
Make every customer your best customer with easy B2B online ordering. You get everything from our Order Tracking solution, PLUS robust order placement that creates 100% error-free orders in your SAP system. As a prebuilt B2B ordering portal, Corevist doesn’t require heavy lifting like custom SAP integration or gathering tons of product content. It’s configured and ready to launch in 60 days.
Once you’ve gotten ROI from Grow, you can upgrade your B2B ordering portal to full-featured B2B ecommerce. You’ll get rich product content, configurable products, related products, advanced features, and 3rd-party integrations.

Corevist B2B Ecommerce
Corevist B2B Ecommerce exceeds the best of conventional B2B ordering platforms. The difference is the Agile journey you’ve taken to get there—and the powerful SAP integration that’s the foundation of your solution. No other choice offers this one-two punch of iterative transformation and flawless integration on a managed platform.
If your ultimate destination is a robust B2B online ordering portal, Corevist gets you there while allowing you to learn the ropes. You get all the sophistication you need while eliminating the expense and risk of third-party SAP integration.

Ready to launch your B2B ordering portal?
Let’s put a stake in the ground.
Schedule a consultation with a specialist, and let’s define your path forward.
Schedule a call
Top 3 Keys to B2B Online Ordering
How do you know what to prioritize in a B2B online ordering solution?
The answer depends on your market, your products, and your customers’ needs. But certain high-level principles hold true across all verticals—especially for manufacturers.
Here are 3 questions you need to ask as you plan your B2B portal project (click to jump).
1. Do we need to differentiate our B2B portal user experience?
2. Do B2B customers need personalized experiences in the portal?
3. Do you have the internal resources to support B2B online ordering?
4. FAQs
1. Do we need to differentiate our B2B portal user experience?
This question gets at the heart of your place in the market. Typically, answers to this question fall along a spectrum.
At one end, you’ve got customers who are going to order from you regardless of whether your B2B portal provides a B2C-style user experience. These customers might have a contractual relationship with you, or your product might be so unique and specialized, they don’t have many options. Differentiating from the competition based on a unique user experience in your B2B portal isn’t so important.
At the other end, you might be selling in markets that are much more competitive. Price, availability, and ease of online discovery may be the primary factors governing success. In this case, your B2B ordering portal may need to provide a unique, memorable user experience as a competitive factor.
2. Do B2B customers need personalized experiences in the portal?
You could say that transactions are generic in B2C. Discounts and coupons aside, you offer one price to all consumers. If you show product availability, you’re not showing different quantities to different customers.
The world of B2B online platforms is different.
Customers may have unique contract pricing for every product they’re allowed to buy. Along those lines, some customers may be blocked from purchasing certain SKUs. Even inventory availability may vary for different customers if you use ATP (available-to-promise) calculations to spread product around your most valuable accounts.
And let’s not forget credit status. Depending on your credit terms, you may need to block a B2B customer from ordering in the portal if their account balance is too large.
If you need this type of personalization in B2B online ordering, then you’ll need a comprehensive ERP integration. That’s what Corevist Commerce Cloud provides for organizations that run on SAP ERP.
3. Do you have the internal resources to support B2B online ordering?
This question has limited scope if your B2B portal doesn’t require ERP integration. However, most online ordering portals do require that integration. Without it, your customers won’t get the personalized experience they need to place orders online. (See #2 above.)
Yet ERP integration is incredibly challenging when it comes to online ordering. Because B2B transactions are so complex, you need a comprehensive integration that touches all parts of the buyer journey. That architecture is difficult to build and maintain if you’re relying on an integration platform sitting between the ERP and the B2B portal.
This is why Corevist Commerce Cloud exists. Our B2B ordering platform includes prebuilt integration for SAP ERP—and we manage the entire solution for you, including that integration. This empowers you to compete online while focusing on your core business.