George Anderson

George serves as content marketing manager. A blogger and journalist with a passion for B2B ecommerce, he has written for the Magento blog, Digitalcommerce360, Supply & Demand Chain Executive, ERPgenie, and others.

How dirty is your data?

February 16, 2016|Company News|

If I were writing this article for a magazine, that’s the title I’d give it. But, this is a serious blog about serious SAP B2B eCommerce, so maybe I should think of another title. How’s this? “Product hierarchy and attribute consistency in SAP data and its impact on SAP-integrated B2B eCommerce.” Well, that title is accurate, but way more boring.

New feature: Product Search Filters

January 5, 2016|Company News|

Online users want to search and filter products. It's just what they do. But sometimes the existing product data in SAP isn’t grouped or categorized in a way that makes searching and filtering possible. So Corevist looked for a way to make this happen with Magento, bypassing the need for a time and budget intensive catalog project...

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