
Categories: Company News


George Anderson


Knowledge Sync at Corevist

Cross-functional knowledge is crucial at any tech company, but we feel it’s especially important at Corevist. The nature of our SAP-integrated ecommerce solution, and the fact that we’re a virtual company, offer unique opportunities and challenges when it comes to cross-functional knowledge.

To facilitate this, our Corevist Solution Architect, Ray Mannion, has instituted a Monthly Customization Review to spread the knowledge of what’s going on at the front lines of Corevist enhancement. This meeting includes team members from all across the company, both from the product side, and sales/marketing.

Here’s what those meetings look like, and how they help each department.

Meeting format

Once a month, we meet for an hour via Zoom video chat to review customizations that are in progress or recently finished. The agenda is established beforehand, and it’s open to anyone with a customization to share. While each presenter walks through the customization in question, the floor is open at all times for questions and comments.

There is no timer per agenda item. This allows the team to talk through as much detail as necessary to learn from the project. If an item doesn’t make it into this month’s meeting, it rolls forward to the top of the agenda for next month.

Value to ongoing product enhancement

Corevist Commerce is an end-to-end ecommerce solution that’s fully integrated to SAP, right out of the box. That said, B2B is complex, and our clients generally request customizations both large and small. These customizations are unique to the client’s business, but they often illustrate emerging needs in the market at large, too.

Here are a few examples from recent meetings:

Since individual client customizations are always candidates for inclusion in our next major product release, these customization reviews provide fertile ground for talking through the potential application of a given customization. Would it help another client with the same problem? Is the problem common enough that the customization should graduate to a core feature in our product?

These key discussions happen in our monthly customization review. They play a crucial role in shaping the future of our product.  

Value to Sales

In SAP-integrated ecommerce, every sales cycle is unique. Everyone who comes our way has their own challenges and problems they’re trying to solve through ecommerce. In that sense, the Monthly Customization Review gives our Sales team deep insight into what’s happening across the Corevist ecosystem. A new customization driven by one client’s business needs could offer value to a problem which a prospect has brought forward in the sales cycle. As our Sales team learns about new directions in customization, they’re better equipped to advise our prospects on how Corevist can solve their business problems.

Value to Marketing

Our Marketing team is constantly re-evaluating Corevist’s messaging and presentation within the market. Are we using the language of our prospects? How well are we explaining the problems that Corevist solves? As our Marketing team learns about the unique customizations which our existing clients need, they gain valuable information that may carry over to Corevist’s messaging as a whole. In that sense, the Monthly Customization Reviews are invaluable.

Moving forward: FREE case study

Curious how a team like Corevist delivers in the real world? Download this case study on PARI Respiratory. You’ll learn how the company engaged the Corevist team to launch SAP-integrated ecommerce that works for all stakeholders.

[want_more title=”Learn more” subtitle=”FREE Case study: PARI Respiratory” description=”Learn how PARI launched ecommerce that posts orders to SAP in real time.” button_text=”Download Now” button_link=”/pari-respiratory-2/” button_class=”btn btn-primary pari-case-study” title2=”See it for yourself” subtitle2=”Talk to us” description2=”Curious what Corevist Commerce can do for you? Let us show you a personalized demo. You’ll see ecommerce with real-time SAP data.” button_text2=”Schedule Demo” button_link2=”” button_class2=”demo-popup”]